Thursday 16 November 2006

learn to shred part 3 : alternate picking

 Before you undertake this lesson I reccomend you undertake my learn to shred lessons part 1 and 2; as they will help significantly here

Alternate picking

Alternate picking is picking with a downstroke followed by an upstroke repeatedly.

There are two main types of alternate picking;  inside picking and outside picking

Inside picking is when you are crossing strings whilst picking and your pick travels in-between two strings. Inside picking generally feels more akward than outside picking

Outside picking is when  you are crossing strings whilst picking and your pick travels over the next string and hooks around it> Outside picking is generally considered the most economical way of picking (except economy picking which i will explain later)

Alternate Picking Technique

Always pick by moving your wrist up and down not your elbow.

You should hold the pick at a slight angle to the string so it feels like you are slicing the string.
this is important as it encourages two things to happen

1. It will make you pick with a smaller amount of the pick (mainly just the tip) and pick lighter

2. It will stop the joints of your right finger and thumb from moving.
This is CRUCIAL if you want to pick really well and fast

I have created a lick for musically building speed and technique for outside picking that is made of the three 
most important alternate picking patterns


use the metronoming technique from learn to shred part two
and build the speed as high as you can


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Awesome site for shred guitarists man... you should check out my site. lemme know if you want to trade links. alright peace.

The Everyday Guitarist