Saturday, 14 August 2010

New Blog

Hello and welcome to the site relaunch. It has been a few years and the world has advanced and I have matured.

The site relaunch will bring many new lessons with tablature and audio accompaniments and perhaps video lessons in the near future. If anyone has any requests then I'll see what can be done.

The blog template will be meddled with continuously until it is brilliant.
Stick around.

2010 is a very exciting era for music and media quality, let's celebrate it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, glad to see your blog is back; I remember visting it a while back. In the meantime I have started my own blog The Everyday Guitarist

I think you have some good resources available here. I like your satriani-esque lick. Keep producing quality content, feel free to link on my blog, and or let me know if you want to exchange links and get a webring going.